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Inspector+ News

  • Andrew Eagan

Put more reliability into your inspections

Many companies found themselves in trouble after finding out their inspections were never actually completed by employees, they just completed the form. This leaves many manager with a degree of uncertainty and asking themselves, "Did they actually do it?"

Inspections should be done with the intention of ensuring safety and compliance, not simply going through the motions. Typically maintenance and inspection tracking is conduction in a disorganized matter leaving room for error. A failure to have a focus on a system to help keep track of your inspection records could result in negative outcome.

What consequences could be encountered?

  • Fines/write-up from the Auditor

  • Increase cost on non-repaired items

  • Inefficient, time-consuming workflow

  • Disorganized record keeping

When management emphasizes facility safety and cleanliness as the highest priority, they communicate the importance of maintaining the inspection process. According to a Liberty Mutual survey of executives showed that every dollar spent on workplace safety delivered a 200% return.

Where do the savings come from?

  • Less downtime and delays

  • Reduced costs for substitute labor and training

  • Decreased compliance fines

  • Increased Productivity

  • Reduced repair and replacement expenses

Inspector+ is a cost-effective Android based maintenance and inspection app designed to increase productivity, ensure compliance, and expedite maintenance reporting.

It allows for facilities operations to ensure compliance by utilizing barcode scanning technology to ensure the assessment is completed. Forms are created to fit your current inspection reports. Gain the peace-of-mind that the inspections are being completed and ensure compliance with Inspector+.

Contact Inspector+ for a demo of Inspector+ today to discover how ensure your team is completing their reports thoroughly and accurately .

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