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Inspector+ News

Lauren Bradley

Introducing Inspector+ for Into-plane Fueling and Tank Farms

Pen and paper is how people have been doing inspections for decades, but have you ever considered going paperless? Introducing Inspector+ for Into-plane Fueling & Tanks Farms, this simple and easy-to-use Android based application allows you to effortlessly transition to electronic reporting. Inspector+ has developed the inspection reports based on the FAA and ATA requirements and hosts all the data securely in the Microsoft Cloud.

With Inspector+, you can get more organized by doing inspections more accurately and efficiently by leveraging barcode scanning technology to ensure the inspections are being completed. Not only will we provide you with non-incendive mobile handheld devices (safe for fueling environments) to conduct the inspection on, but you will get to stop doing your inspections with a pencil and paper.

We all know a picture is worth 1,000 words. Take a photo on the mobile device with Inspector+ that is synced to the Dashboard to inform the maintenance team of what needs repair and the severity of the damage.

Conducting inspections with pen and paper has been a system that we have become accustomed to. Make the leap in the modern-age, look at a few other benefits of Inspector+:

  1. Reduces Clutter

  • Don’t dig around trying to find the right document to fill out for any given day. Take our handheld and fill out the form online that it linked directly to the dashboard you'll see in the back office through the Cloud

  1. Saves Time

  • Filling out paperwork is always tedious. That doesn’t change with inspections either. With our easy-to-use application, you can cut time in half with our custom forms.

  1. Decreases Chance of Missing Documents

  • Don't risk not having the information you need. With Inspector+, all the data entered the handheld for the inspection goes straight to the dashboard-in real time.

  1. Managerial Collaboration

  • ​Several decision makers in the office? No worries, you can all look at the same dashboard at the same time and come to a consensus on action that should be taken about the inspections completed.

Go Paperless with Inspector+ by calling WNS at (952)249-1999 or fill out the Request Form and we'll contact you!

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